Friday, July 27, 2012

Everything always changes

Did you wake up one morning and found that you had gained 60 pounds, or that you were a chain smoker, or an alcoholic? I didn't think so!  Changes are slow with the exception of certain drugs that you should not even try once because they are so addictive.  With that said, why do you expect change to be rapid?  Imagine if change was rapid and you gained 40 pounds one day and then lost 35 the next, what would that do to our bodies?  I don't think it would be healthy.  Healthy changes take commitment, whether you realize it or not you are committed to unhealthy choices even without trying to.

Today is the day to make a change!  Note that I said a change, as in one.  Another mistake is trying to change a lot of things, get focused!  Pick one thing you want to change and then make a plan of how you will achieve that change.  I want to drink a gallon of water a day because I know it is good for me.  Now tell someone else about this change you want to make, because now you are accountable to them.  Stay focused on the change you want to make and you will get there!  We head in the direction we are looking.  Have you ever been riding your bike or driving and you look to see if someone is behind you or in the other lane and you find your self drifting in the direction you were looking.  Use your natural tendencies to work for you, no need to reinvent the wheel here!  Be strong! Stay focused!  You can do it!  You have infinite power!  Decide!  Do!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Small Corrections

When sailing a ship across the ocean, small navigational changes are made to keep on course. You can shoot an azimuth or check your bearing, however these are checked often to ensure that ship is not deviating from the intended course.  Once you are on course in your life, keeping checking where you are going so that you can stay the course.  By checking yourself and your plan each day, small corrections can be made to ensure that your headed in the right direction.  Plan your work.  Work you plan!

Have more than one check to ensure you are moving forward and in the right direction.  How are you accountable and to whom?  When completing a plan to achieve a goal ensure you have setup steps to achievement and how you plan to affect those changes.  By having smaller goals, steps or levels of achievement you are building in a verification process.  The people you share your goals with can be vital in providing a different perspective on your achievements and become another point of verification that you are staying the course.  Make little changes to get back on track if you have veered from your intended path.
Have a plan and use the proper tools to get where you are headed!
It is a journey, be flexible

Do not little things distract you from your goal
Life happens!
You can sink yourself, but you won't be cause you are checking where you are headed!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Starting Point

Today is the beginning of something new!  Each day is a gift and should be treated as such!  "Live today on purpose" Jeromy Williams  That is a mantra to be headed.  How will you make a difference in your life and/or in the life of others?  This blog will be a way for me to make a difference in your life.  This is my hope and my dream!  Will you be a part of it?  I believe you can and will!

Everything is about your view.  Your view is based upon your perception!  Your perception comes from your beliefs!  Finally your beliefs are grounded by thoughts.  So as you think thus becomes your view.  Believe that anything is possible and keep positive thoughts in the foreground of your mind, discarding the negative.